The Earth Uprising Global Youth Leadership Council (GYLC) is the decision making body for Earth Uprising’s global campaigns and actions. The GYLC is also the governing body for Earth Uprising’s global youth-led chapters, and will provide leadership, awareness and education throughout the youth climate movement.

The Earth Uprising GYLC consists of twelve (12) members, ages 18-24, democratically elected every year by the youth members of our organization. Two members of the GYLC are elected from each of these regions of the world: Africa, Europe, Middle East and Asia, North America, Oceania and SE Asia and South America.

Throughout the year, the council will be called upon to represent and speak at climate conferences and events, as well as engage with their local and regional political leaders as they advocate for climate action. They are all experienced speakers and knowledgeable community organizers.

Each GYLC member engages in grassroots activism in their local communities, and prioritizes this vital, change-making aspect of their work.

Global Youth Leadership Council Representatives

Selma Bichbich
Selma Bichbich, 21
African Representative

from Bougaa, Algeria

Nozinhle Gumede
Nozinhle Gumede, 20
African Representative

from Bulawayo, Zimbabwe

Maria Serra
Maria Serra Olivella, 19
European Representative

from Barcelona, Spain

Augusta Senenssie
Augusta Senenssie, 24
Europe Representative

from London, UK

Razan Ahmed
Razan Ahmed, 19
Middle East and Asia Representative

from Islamabad, Pakistan

Hania Imran
Hania Imran, 18
Middle East and Asia Representative

from Islamabad, Pakistan

Evelyn Bigini, 25
North American Representative

from San Francisco, CA, USA

Nadiya Khalif, 18
North American Representative

from Alexandria, VA, USA

Angelica Mantikas
Angelica Mantikas, 21
Oceania and SE Asia Representative

from Melbourne, Australia

Gabby Tan
Gabby Tan, 20
Oceania and SE Asia Representative

from Malaysia

Isabella Sabrina de Barros
Isabella Sabrina de Barros, 21
South American Representative

from Porto Alegre, Brazil

Alejandro Luque Molina
Alejandro Luque Molina, 19
South American Representative

from Guayaquil, Ecuador